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Wire spanking: How bad is whipping with an electrical cord?

Wire spanking: How bad is whipping with an electrical cord?

Wire spanking: How bad is whipping with an electrical cord?

Omg. It is pretty intense and the worst. I was spanked by an extension cord a couple of times during my teenage years, mostly between the ages of 14 and 19. When I did very bad things in school, with my younger brother, and at home, I used to get this punishment. Upto age 17 I had to take off my pant off and need to lie on bed bare bottom.

My hands have to be straight with no touching on the bottom; otherwise, whipping counts start to increase. In one session, I used to get 20 to 30 lashes and 1 hour of corner time. I was not able to sit properly for the next two days. The mark of whipping lasts for months. Sometimes new marks come before old ones go.

After age 17, I stopped taking off my pants and was instructed to take off my shirt. Now I had to bend to bed, and I had tied to the bedhead frame with a belt. Then I get lashes on my bare back. It was very painful, and I regret my decision not to take off my pants. Trust me, the cords on the bottom are easy to compare to the back, where Mark lasts for a couple of years.

So definitely, when I received my last punishment at 19, my back was full of marks. That is the reason I couldn’t get to swim class. I had my first sex at age 23, and my girlfriend inquired about a light mark on my back. When I told the truth, she laughed at me and pranked you. You will get more if you don’t behave.

Wire spanking: How bad is whipping with an electrical cord?

The first time I remember being spanked with a belt, I think I was around 3, and it continued until I was in my teens, when other forms of discipline took over.

Now, before you scream “child abuse”, let me explain how I was spanked.

  • When I was younger (from around 2 to about 8 or 9 years old), I had a discipline chart taped to the back of my door. It outlined the discipline I would receive for the wrong thing I did, and my parents always abided by it. When I asked my mom about it several years ago, she said, “It was for both our benefits. You knew what would happen if you disobeyed, and if I were really mad at you, I wouldn’t discipline you too harshly; the chart kept me honest.”
Wire spanking: How bad is whipping with an electrical cord?

(This was the chart they used, with their own disciplines filled in.)

  • My parents always made sure I was “safe” when they were wire spanking me: they would tell me not to move once I was bent over (so they wouldn’t miss and hit my legs or back by accident), they would wait long enough between spanks so it wouldn’t bruise or even be really red, and they would shift the spot they spanked slightly if I was getting more than a couple of spanks for the same reason.
  • My parents always told me afterward that they still loved me, and I had to get a hug from them afterwards (even when I was mad and wouldn’t want one from them.)
  • My parents would also regularly sit me down afterward and explain to me the difference between “discipline” and “punishment” and how the spanks I got were “discipline” and were only done because they loved me and wanted me to grow up to act right.
  • If the wire spanking ever went wrong (the belt slipped, etc.), my parents would stop immediately, apologize, tell me that was not the correct way to discipline, and then tell me they loved me and give me a hug. (That only happened once or twice, I think, and they were because I failed to listen to their instructions and moved around.)

Did I enjoy the wire spankings then? Heck no!

Do I see the merit in them now? Yes, absolutely. I’m thankful my parents spanked me because it helped curb my disobedience and teach me how to act, and those lessons come in very handy now that I’m on my own at college.

Will I spank my kids in the future? Well, some kids don’t respond well to wire spanking as a form of discipline, so I’d have to see. But if those kids are anything like me, then yes, I’ll use the chart my parents used to keep me accountable and do the same things they did, even giving my kids a hug afterwards (much as they might try to squirm away because they are mad at me)

I know there are people who say wire spanking is a form of child abuse, and they’re half-right—it can be child abuse, but only if it’s done wrong: if the child develops bruises and sores as a result, if the wire spankings aren’t consistent and/or are done in fits of anger, etc.

However, with proper measures in place, wire spanking can be a useful tool, and one that, with very little pain (that lasts about 10 seconds in total, as I recall), can help instruct a child how they should behave.

Update: Wire spanking

Due to some comments, I feel I need to address some points brought up by some fellow users.

  1. It is always child abuse because it is hurting children on purpose. No, no, it’s not. It’s disciplined, plain and simple. There is no pleasure taken in the act (if done right), and to be honest, a stubbed toe hurts way worse than any discipline I got. You aren’t “hurting your child”—you have explained the consequences of their actions if they do this wrong act, and they persisted in doing it anyway. Discipline adds structure to a child’s life and teaches them valuable lessons that will follow them through life.
  2. It is also not the best way to teach children how to behave. Firstly, let me preface with the statement: there is no “one-size-fits-all” discipline for children. For some (many, actually), wire spankings work. For some, they don’t—maybe taking away Timmy’s toys or putting him on “couch time” is better. The fact is, it’s on a child-by-child basis, but for me, wire spanking was the way to go most of the time (I was occasionally put on couch time, but I soon learned to stash books on the couches, so no discipline there).
  3. And [wire spanking] is a good way to make your children hate you. See, everyone says that, but the fact is, it’s unequivocally false. I was spanked for over a decade by my parents, and yet, I have never developed a festering resentment of them because they smacked my bottom a few times because I did precisely what they had told me not to do (and what would happen if I did it). I suppose if you didn’t explain to the child why you did this or were disciplined with no consistency, then resentment might breed. But for me, as I said, I’m thankful they disciplined me, and I’ve told them so multiple times—they gave me the advantage of good manners and good behavior in life.
  4. I don’t understand how anyone can purposely hurt their children if they care about them. Firstly, see question and answer #1 in this comment for the answer to the first half of your point. Secondly, and lastly, as I have said all along, parents discipline (correctly) because they care about their children. My parents always said they wanted me to simply grow up to be a “happy, healthy, well-adjusted individual,” and discipline was key to that. Thanks to them, I know how to act and (mostly) act that way, even though I’m alone at college and their discipline no longer applies. If they hadn’t disciplined me (mostly through spankings), I have no doubt I would be distinctly less “well-adjusted” than I am.
  5. Often, child abusers and abused children who are in denial will call it a paddle with a belt. I really dislike when people in this debate use such strong language. What? Do they think that people will be swayed to their side due to, I don’t know, the shock value? Really, all it does is tick me off, for a couple of reasons. First off, in one sentence, you not only accuse my parents (the two people who I love more than anything and anyone else in this world) of being horrible people, but you then pigeonhole me into the role of “victim,” a role that I have never held and will never hold. Secondly, having come from a background in psychology (growing up with Ma as a therapist and reading every book I could get my hands on and understand), I am keenly aware of the different kinds of abuse (physical, emotional, etc.) and the side effects of abuse, and I have none of them. No PTSD, no flashbacks, no hesitance to go home—nothing. I do have anxiety issues (which I don’t mention in detail because it’s my business and, as I said, I have not and never will be a victim), but those stem from a documented neurodiverse condition I have had my entire life (but maybe you might say that it’s because I’ve been “abused” all my life, so of course I have anxiety).
  6. To beat a child or any living thing is cruel. I agree, which is why there is a distinct difference between beating and wire spanking. If you have any doubts, look them up in the dictionary. 
  7. You’ll get yours one day, too. Karma will catch up with you. Good thing I don’t believe in karma, then, I guess. But I do believe in God, and, as I recall, there are a few words about wire spanking in His book:
    1. Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.
    2. Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die.
    3. For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
    4. The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.
    5. Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline drives it far from him.

. . . And so on.

How long does it take for extension cord whipping marks to go away?

This will always cause bruising. Where the superficial (close to the surface of our skin) veins and capillaries break and leak blood into the tissues,. It depends on how hard they swung it. Was it male or female?

I’ll try to give a few versions. If the skin wasn’t broken and you have bruising straight away, dark purple to black (on white skin), it’s going to take 4–6 weeks, and you can be left with 2 more weeks of green or yellow tinge.

Darker skin bruises appear visually to disappear faster than white skin, but they are no less painful. Dark skin presents bruising on the colour spectrum, making it more difficult to see the brutality of the hit. I have always been taught that if you can see bruises on dark-skinned people, it is the same as being bashed so hard, and the bruises are noticeable to a whiter person.

This may sound confusing. As an ICU and ED nurse, I’m trained to try and distinguish what I see and guess the brutality of the damage to people’s outer skin. Therefore, we can try to ascertain the internal damage, if any.

But an electrical cord??

Depends on the strength and hatred felt by the ass hole wielding it.

If Madeleine McCann was found alive and well, What would she do today?

Conclusion of Wire spanking

Pretty bad. This is one of the most painful whippings I have ever received. My mom used a telephone wire to whip me on several occasions. This left deep red welts and some cutting. When she whipped me, it was my legs, arms, back, stomach, and chest.

While whipping, several things affect the sensation. One of them is the weight per length of the instrument. Because of the metal core, electrical cords have a high weight per length.

That allows a lot of impact energy to be stored in it. That, combined with the very high elasticity of such an instrument, makes it stick well to the skin, and combined with the smooth surface of most plastic claddings, makes it a feared spanking instrument.


I must emphasize that engaging in any form of physical harm or violence, including whipping or using an electrical cord for such purposes, is not only ethically wrong but also illegal and can cause serious harm to individuals. It is important to prioritize consent, communication, and mutual respect in any relationship.

If you are experiencing or witnessing any form of abuse, it is crucial to seek help from appropriate authorities, organizations, or support services. Physical harm, coercion, or violence is never an acceptable or healthy way to address issues or conflicts in relationships. If you have questions or concerns about your own well-being or someone else’s, please reach out to professionals, such as counselors, therapists, or law enforcement, who can provide assistance and guidance in a safe and supportive manner.

Wire spanking: How bad is whipping with an electrical cord?