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Singhpora Pattan Apples Area

Singhpora Pattan Apples Area

Singhpora Pattan Apples Area

I don’t have specific information about an area called Singhpora Pattan known for apples. It’s possible that it could be a locality or a region in the vicinity of Pattan in the Baramulla district of Jammu and Kashmir, India, where apple cultivation is prevalent.

Jammu and Kashmir are renowned for their apple orchards, and several areas within the region are known for apple cultivation due to the suitable climate and terrain. These areas often contribute significantly to the production of apples in the country.

If Singhpora Pattan is a specific apple-growing region, you may want to check with local agricultural offices, farmers, or official sources in the region for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding apple cultivation and related activities in that area.

Keep in mind that agricultural information, especially regarding specific regions and crops, can change, and it’s always a good idea to consult local authorities for the latest details.

Singhpora Pattan Apples Area

So friends, if you see the beauty of Kashmir in your TV or newspaper, then it is a different thing, but with our camera, we give the latest information in detail.

Today, in the same episode, we take you to the apple orchards. If you ever want to eat fresh apples then definitely come here. I am Jitender Sangwan from Srinagar. In a newspaper company, I am working here for many years.

Today I take you to my friends’ apple orchard.

Adderess: Bashir Ahmad Bhatt (Hanjiwera Singhpora Pattan,) Baramulla Kashmir

Apple orchard in Srinagar Kashmir Singhpora Pattan Apples Area
Singhpora Pattan Apples Area

Apple cultivation in Kashmir is proving to be a boon for the mountain dwellers. Due to this, migration from the mountains is stopping, while employment opportunities are also increasing in the area.

Apples are cultivated in high altitude areas of Baramulla, a tribal area. Here, apples of Royal, Golden, and Red Golden species are found in abundance, which is juicy and red in color.

However, the packing of the apples of Baramulla is also done in the name of the apples of Kashmir. Therefore, it is very possible that the succulent apple you are eating from Himachal Pradesh is actually from Baramulla.

Apple orchard in Srinagar 2024

Singhpora Pattan Apples Area Baramulla Kashmir

Thoroughly dry loam soil of apples with a depth of 45 cm. And pH has a pH range of 5.5–6.5 but yields best.

The soil should be free from the high substrate and waterlogged conditions. Avoid heavy soil or compaction subsoil.


Apple is a temperate fruit crop. However, apple production areas in India do not fall in the temperate zone, but the prevailing temperate climate of this region is due to the Himalayan ranges and high places.

The average summer temperature should be around 21–24 ° C during the active growth period. Apples are stimulated in areas where trees experience abundant sunlight for uninterrupted rest and good color development in winter.

It can be grown at an altitude of 1500-2700 meters above sea level. 1000-1250 mm throughout the growth season well-distributed rainfall is best suited for the best growth and fullness of apple trees.


Apple trees are particularly sensitive to low soil moisture. Water pressure during the growing season reduces the number and size of fruits and increases the June fall.

The success of apple largely depends on the uniform distribution of rain during the year, supplementary irrigation should be done in drought conditions during critical periods.

Water pressure conditions can result in low fruit set, heavy fruit fall, low production, and poor quality. The most important periods of water requirement are April-August and most water is required after the fruit set.

Usually, the gardens are irrigated immediately after fertilizing in December-January. During summer periods, the crop is irrigated at the end of 7-10 days.

After the fruit setting stage, the crop is irrigated at weekly intervals. The application of water during the fortnight before harvest clearly improves the color of the fruit. It is irrigated at an interval of 3-4 weeks till the beginning.

Singhpora Pattan Apples Area Baramulla Kashmir

Kashmir proudly known as the paradise of the earth is also home to temperate fruits like an apple for which the state is very famous across the globe.

The main factor which influences temperate fruit-bearing trees is soil, climate, and environment which are highly favorable and unparalleled in the province of Kashmir.

Apple (Malus pumila) is commercially the most important temperate fruit and is fourth among the most widely produced fruits in the world after banana, orange, and grape.

Man has very little control over nature especially factors like the climatic conditions which influence the geographic distribution of various kinds and varieties of temperate fruits.

Although apple can be grown in all temperate regions including both the northern and the southern hemisphere it is not possible in the tropical climate of South Asia.

Adderess: Bashir Ahmad Bhatt (Hanjiwera Singhpora Pattan,) Baramulla Kashmir

7 Best Romantic Hotels in Baramulla District

  1. Kolahoi Green Heights Gulmarg
  2. The Khyber Himalayan Resort & Spa
  3. The Rosewood
  4. Hotel Highlands Park
  5. Heevan Retreat
  6. Gulmarg Meadows
  7. Nedou’s Hotel

Top Restaurants in Baramulla

  1. Cafe Pirates
  2. Sindbad Fast Food
  3. Bakshi
  4. Hotel Highlands Park

Due to the lack of better transport facilities, farmers have to face difficulties in bringing the apple to the mandi of Punjab and Delhi. Similarly, there is no facility for cold stores in the area.

He told that after the closure of the road, farmers are in danger of spoiling the apple crop in the fields.

Apple orchard in Srinagar

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