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What’s the difference between zoophiles and furries?

What's the difference between zoophiles and furries?

What’s the difference between zoophiles and furries?

Zoophilia is a form of paraphilia in which a person experiences a sexual fixation on non-human animals. Bestiality instead refers to cross-species sexual activity between humans and non-human animals. I couldn’t say it as a professional, but here is my humble opinion on the matter. The furry community is sweet and fun, with no harmful content intended.

However, zoophiles sexualize furries and get involved in sexual activities with them. A zoophile isn’t a real furry; they are simply nastly ole peeps trying to make our community look icky. Zoophiles are people who have a sexual orientation that makes them romantically and (usually) sexually attracted to animals. Furries are people who are huge fans of anthropomorphic cartoon animal characters and their artists. The first is an inborn trait, and the second is an interest or hobby.

Furries are people who are interested in anthropomorphic animals (examples like Robin Hood, Sonic, and Buggs Bunny). Zoophiles are people who are sexually attracted to animals (which is fucking disgusting) and engage in Sex with animals, thinking they can consent, which they cannot, so they are not having sex with them; they are raping them

Furries absolutely HATE Zoophiles with a capital H (are there zoos in the fandom yes but they are shunned and not welcomed in the fandom)

Please know the difference!

“Zoophiles” and “furries” refer to different concepts within the realm of human interests and subcultures, particularly those related to animals and anthropomorphic characters.

  1. Furries:
    • Definition: Furries are individuals who are interested in anthropomorphic animals, which are animals with human-like characteristics. This interest can manifest in various ways, including art, literature, role-playing, and the creation of anthropomorphic characters (known as “fursonas”).
    • Community: Furries often form a community that celebrates creativity and self-expression through anthropomorphic characters. They may participate in conventions, online forums, and other gatherings to share their artwork, stories, and experiences.
  2. Zoophiles:
    • Definition: Zoophilia refers to a sexual attraction or fixation on animals. People who identify as zoophiles may experience sexual fantasies involving animals. It’s important to note that engaging in sexual activities with animals is generally considered unethical, illegal, and harmful to the well-being of the animals involved.
    • Legality and Ethics: Acts related to zoophilia, such as bestiality, are illegal in many jurisdictions due to concerns about animal welfare and consent. The vast majority of societies and legal systems consider any form of sexual contact with animals to be both ethically and legally wrong.

Key Differences:

  • Nature of Interest: Furries are primarily interested in anthropomorphic characters, often for creative and social reasons. Zoophiles, on the other hand, may experience a sexual attraction to animals.
  • Legality and Ethics: Engaging in zoophilic activities, such as bestiality, is generally considered unethical and illegal due to concerns about the welfare and consent of animals. Furries, on the other hand, engage in consensual, creative, and social activities within their community.

It’s crucial to approach these topics with sensitivity and respect for the legal and ethical boundaries surrounding interactions with animals. The vast majority of furries do not engage in zoophilic activities, and it’s essential not to conflate the two terms or communities.

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What’s the difference between zoophiles and furries?

Zoophiles are people who are sexually attracted to real animals. Furries are people who have an interest in fictional anthropomorphic animals and will usually draw them and dress as them, and they may or may not find the concept of anthropomorphic animals sexually attractive.

One can be a zoophile but not a furry, and one can be a furry but not a zoophile. Some people are both. But at the end of the day, not all furries are zoophiles, and not all zoophiles are furries.

Zoophiles and furries are two distinct groups of people with different interests and preferences related to animals and anthropomorphic characters, but it’s important to note that they are not the same, and there are significant differences between them:

Here are two differences:

  1. Furries: Furries are individuals who are part of a subculture that centers around an appreciation for anthropomorphic animal characters. These characters are often depicted with human-like qualities such as the ability to speak, think, and engage in human-like activities.Furries typically enjoy activities such as creating or consuming artwork, stories, and media featuring anthropomorphic characters. Many furries also create or wear furry costumes (fursuits) to participate in conventions and social events.Being a furry is primarily a fandom and a form of creative expression. It does not inherently involve a sexual component or attraction to animals.
  2. Zoophiles: Zoophiles, on the other hand, are individuals who experience sexual attraction or arousal toward animals. This is sometimes referred to as zoophilia or bestiality, which is illegal and considered a form of animal abuse in many countries.Zoophilia involves a sexual interest in animals and can result in harmful actions toward animals if acted upon. It is widely considered unethical and illegal in most places due to the potential harm to animals involved.

In summary, the key distinction is that furries are part of a fandom and subculture centered around anthropomorphic animal characters and creative expression, while zoophiles are individuals who have a sexual attraction to animals, which is illegal and considered unethical. It’s important to maintain a clear understanding of these differences and to promote responsible and ethical treatment of animals.

That’s easy. They are two different things.

Zoophilia is a paraphilia involving a sexual attraction to non-human animals. Furry is a subculture involving characters based on non-human animals, creating stories or artwork around such characters, and impersonating them in roleplaying situations. It has nothing inherently to do with sex. Actually, I find the furry community to be quite welcoming to asexuals like me.

First of all,. A zoophile is someone who is attracted to an animal or has the urge to be with an animal. That is disgusting, right?

And a furry. A furry is someone who dresses up as an animal or not. Some choose to have what’s called a ‘Fursona’, which is like another alter, also known as a fursuit, which is when people make different species out of fabrics and foams, which are usually hand-made or purchased online or custom-made by other people or friends, and most furries pull a full body, or some just do a head, feet, or tail. But people need to recognize that a Neko and a Furry aren’t the same thing. A Neko is when you wear cat ears and a furry that is close but not exactly the same.

Btw ZOOPHILES SUCK AND CAN GO DIE AND BURN. EVEN THE FURRY FANDOM KICKED THEM OUT. LIKE WTF EW.. sorry for my language I hope this answers your question.

Should zoophiles, or so-called “furries,” be allowed to adopt animals?

Furries and “zoophiles” are two completely different groups. While it’s uncommon, some furries do practice beastiality, but it isn’t acceptable in the fandom.

Furries (fursuiters and artists) proudly own pets of all shapes and sizes and do not abuse them. People who sexually abuse animals are typically not furries. This goes under the radar; no one can prove (unless charged before) that someone will sexually abuse an animal.

Yes, furries should be able to have animals. Animal abusers should not. The furry community often bans and excludes those who practice beastiality from conventions and websites.

Are you really using the word zoo as a synonym for furry??? Unironically????

First, zoos exist in every fandom. Second, a furry is someone who enjoys anthro characters. Please explain to me how liking to draw humanized mammals and watching beasts makes me a danger to animals.

If you are talking about real zoos, no, I think they shouldn’t adopt animals or be near them. The same way, parents should be far away from children, even if they claim to be ”in control”.

What kind of question is this????

What’s so wrong with being a zoophile?

If you actually look into these people, you’ll find plenty of reasons. People will claim that most zoophiles don’t act on their thoughts, that they’re normal people like anyone else, but if you visit their spaces, read their articles, or even interact with them one on one, you’ll find a bunch of sexual predators, violent sadists, sex addicts desperately trying to fill some void in their lives, and hopeless misandrists. The below examples are just a few off the top of my head.

^Another offending Zoophile admits to taking advantage of his dog’s heat, just like sexual predators take advantage of women under the influence. And if you’re really that curious, check out Zooville. It’s a forum full of mentally ill criminals encouraging each other to abuse animals daily.

Zoophilia is a severe mental illness. If not treated with a damn good therapist, this is what these people become.

There is a ton wrong with it. See, a dog looks up to you to take care of it, feed it, water it, and take it to the vet, whether it realizes it or not, because a normal domestic dog is raised to be basically helpless. It can’t do any of the previously mentioned things on its own. Even if it could, it would require you to learn, but I doubt you have hardly learned any of that manually. See, this dog, this living being, this thing that has consciousness, it becomes attached to you.

Not just that, but you can train a dog to do whatever you want it to do. Hell, people use them in fights and train them to be that. The mind’s that pliable. By trying to have sex with an animal, or even a simple relationship, something a dog can’t grasp it’s mind on at all, you are deliberately taking advantage of these qualities, whether that was the intention or not. It doesn’t want to attack you because of the bond it sees. That is why it is considered fucked up, and deemed bad by society.

That is what is wrong with it.

Engaging in zoophilia, which involves a sexual attraction or fixation on animals, is generally considered ethically and morally wrong, as well as illegal in many jurisdictions. There are several reasons for this perspective:

  1. Consent Issues: Animals cannot provide informed consent for sexual activities. In any ethical framework involving human-animal interactions, consent is a critical factor. Without the ability to communicate or understand the implications of such activities, it is impossible to ensure that an animal is willingly participating.
  2. Animal Welfare Concerns: Zoophilic acts can cause physical harm and distress to animals. Animals may suffer from injuries, infections, or emotional trauma as a result of sexual interactions. This goes against the principles of responsible and humane treatment of animals.
  3. Power Imbalance: Humans hold a significant power imbalance over animals, making it difficult to establish consensual and equal relationships. Animals are vulnerable and reliant on humans for care and protection, and engaging in sexual activities with them exploits this power dynamic.
  4. Legal Consequences: Many jurisdictions have laws explicitly prohibiting zoophilic activities, commonly referred to as bestiality. Engaging in such activities can lead to legal consequences, including criminal charges, fines, and imprisonment.
  5. Social Taboos: Zoophilia is widely stigmatized in society due to cultural, ethical, and moral norms. People who engage in such activities may face social ostracism, judgment, and potential harm to their personal and professional lives.

It’s important to differentiate between zoophilia and being a part of the furry community. The vast majority of furries are not zoophiles, and the furry community revolves around creative expression, art, and social interactions related to anthropomorphic characters. While being a zoophile is considered problematic due to the reasons mentioned above, engaging in furry fandom does not inherently involve illegal or unethical activities.

Why do some people like zoophilia?

It’s simple: a defect in the brains of these people prevents them from associating sex as a way of progeny rather than pleasure. In other words, they seek pleasure, not baby-making; hence, their main goal is to explore sensations from nonliving and living sources.

Its as retarded as sticking a live creature in your pu**ssy and lighting the bottom of this creature on fire just to force this creature to move violently in your pus**sy. These people are defective in the brain, and pleasure is first in their minds.

In a similar concept, it’s the quick behavior for a large number of people to result to sex as a way to make another person feel good— naively mistaking it for love. Zoophiles will often say they “love” animals. Sex, commonly misunderstood as love, is one the biggest mental reasons why they perform intercourse with the animal.

Its the lack of intelligence to surpass the primitive self.

Can they consider their actions in a different perspective other than pleasure? No they cannot.

Zoophilia, also known as bestiality, refers to a sexual attraction or fixation on animals. It’s important to note that engaging in sexual activities with animals is widely considered unethical, morally wrong, and is illegal in many jurisdictions.

The reasons some individuals express a liking for zoophilia are complex and may vary from person to person, but it’s crucial to emphasize that such activities are generally condemned by society and carry legal consequences.

Here are a few possible factors that some individuals might cite:

  1. Misunderstanding or Lack of Awareness: In some cases, individuals may not fully comprehend the ethical and legal implications of engaging in sexual activities with animals. They might lack awareness of the harm it can cause to the animals involved.
  2. Psychological Issues: Some individuals who engage in zoophilic acts may have underlying psychological issues. This could include problems with impulse control, a distorted understanding of consent, or other mental health issues.
  3. Isolation and Social Factors: Isolation from human relationships or social difficulties may lead some individuals to seek companionship or intimacy with animals. This behavior often stems from emotional or psychological challenges.
  4. Cultural or Subcultural Influence: In rare cases, cultural or subcultural factors may play a role. However, it’s important to note that engaging in zoophilia is not condoned by any mainstream culture or community.

It’s essential to stress that engaging in sexual activities with animals is widely regarded as unethical, harmful, and illegal due to concerns about animal welfare and consent. Animals cannot provide informed and voluntary consent for such activities, and engaging in them can lead to physical harm, distress, and suffering for the animals involved. In most jurisdictions, laws exist to prohibit and punish zoophilic acts to protect the well-being of animals.

Professional help, such as counseling or therapy, may be beneficial for individuals struggling with zoophilic tendencies. It is crucial to prioritize the welfare of animals and discourage any behavior that can cause harm to them.

Why don’t furry haters take the time to understand what a furry is before assuming we are attracted to animals?

It’s trendy to hate things that are weird or different. I guess it’s always been that way.

Most furries hate animal abusers and try to make it well known that those sick fucks are NOT welcome in the community. It just doesn’t help when people like Kero the Wolf(recommend watching a few YouTube vids about the situation) are allowed to continue creating content when they’ve been proven as an animal rapist/abuser. He and his fucked up friends and supporters make the furry fandom look awful.

Zoophiles and furries represent two distinct groups with differing interests concerning animals and anthropomorphic characters.

It’s crucial to emphasize their dissimilarity:

Furries: Furries constitute a subculture appreciating anthropomorphic animal characters, typically featuring human-like attributes like speech and thought. They engage in creative activities, such as art and stories, and might don furry costumes for conventions. Being a furry is primarily a creative fandom and does not inherently involve any sexual component or attraction to real animals.

What's the difference between zoophiles and furries?

Zoophiles: In contrast, zoophiles experience sexual attraction or arousal toward animals, termed zoophilia or bestiality, which is illegal and regarded as animal abuse in many countries. Zoophilia entails a sexual interest in animals and can lead to harmful actions if acted upon, rendering it unethical and illegal in most places due to the potential harm inflicted on animals.

In summary, furries are part of a subculture focused on anthropomorphic characters and creative expression, whereas zoophiles experience sexual attraction to animals, an illegal and unethical practice. It is essential to understand these differences and advocate for the responsible and ethical treatment of animals.

What are the differences and similarities between Otherkin and Furries?

Furries are members of a fandom of anthropomorphic animals, animals with human like characteristics— like the ability to speak walk upright, and wear clothes. Otherkin are people or feel that they have a spiritual connection to or actually are what most people consider a fantasy or established mythological creature, like a faerie, elf, or dragon.

Not all otherkin are furries, and most furries are not otherkin, since most of them don’t feel that they truly are a dragon, werewolf, or bipedal fox-wolf hybrid, for example. The overlap may be due to interest or the fact that some of them are both, though that is not representative of both populations.

“Otherkin” and “furries” are terms used to describe different subcultures or communities, each with its own unique characteristics. While there may be some overlap in interests and activities, the fundamental aspects of these groups differ. Here are the main differences and some potential similarities:


  1. Definition: Otherkin are individuals who believe that, in some way, they are not entirely human. They may identify as non-human entities, such as mythical creatures, animals, or even fictional beings.
  2. Identity: Otherkin often see their non-human identity as a spiritual or metaphysical aspect. They may feel a deep connection to their perceived non-human nature, and this identification can influence their beliefs and behaviors.
  3. Community: Otherkin may form online and offline communities where they share experiences, discuss their identities, and provide support for one another. These communities are diverse, encompassing a wide range of non-human identities.


  1. Definition: Furries are individuals who are interested in anthropomorphic animals, which are animals with human-like characteristics. This interest can manifest in various ways, including art, literature, role-playing, and the creation of anthropomorphic characters (fursonas).
  2. Identity: Being a furry is often more of a fandom or hobby than a fundamental identity. Furries may create and adopt anthropomorphic characters for creative expression, and their involvement in the community is typically focused on art, conventions, and social interactions.
  3. Community: The furry community is known for its creativity and inclusivity. Furries may participate in conventions, online forums, and other gatherings to share artwork, stories, and experiences related to anthropomorphic characters.


  1. Nature of Identity: Otherkin identify as non-human entities on a personal and often spiritual level, whereas furries are primarily interested in anthropomorphic characters as a creative or fandom-related expression.
  2. Community Focus: Otherkin communities often revolve around discussions of identity, metaphysical experiences, and personal beliefs. In contrast, furry communities emphasize creative expression, social interactions, and fandom-related activities.


  1. Online Presence: Both Otherkin and Furries often have a significant online presence, with communities forming on forums, social media platforms, and other online spaces.
  2. Creative Expression: Both communities involve a degree of creative expression. Otherkin may express themselves through art, writing, or other forms that reflect their non-human identities, while furries commonly engage in creating and sharing artwork, stories, and other content related to anthropomorphic characters.

It’s important to note that individuals within these communities have diverse perspectives and experiences, and not everyone in these groups may fit the general descriptions provided here. Additionally, while there may be some overlap in interests, the underlying motivations and focus of these subcultures remain distinct.

What makes a furry a furry?

Furries are people who like anthropomorphic animals, that is, animals with human characteristics. Being furry at it’s core requires two things:

1) Liking anthropomorphic animals
2) Calling yourself a furry.

Everything else is extra credit. For a lot of furries, this can be traced back to the smoothest fox known to man, Robin Hood.

furry defination zoophiles

However, newer furries were probably introduced by Nick Wilde, the poor man’s Robin Hood.

What's the difference between zoophiles and furries?

Yeah, I said it,Fightt me.


A zoophile is someone who is sexually attracted to real-life non-human animals. Real animals can’t consent, and that is why zoophilia is dangerous. Furries, on the other hand, are people who like anthropomorphic characters, mostly animals with human characteristics (and other fictional creatures as well).

Furry is not inherently sexual, but there’s a part of the community that sexualizes it; however, attraction to anthropomorphic characters is not related to zoophilia. Sexual attraction to anthropomorfic animals and other fictional characters is considered Schediaphilia, a harmless kink that holds no pathological characteristics.

The characters that Furries draws and dresses up as have human intelligence, human facial expressions, and a humanoid body, and they are also completely fictional. Things that real-life animals don’t have. Zoophiles are attracted to regular animals without human traits and no human intelligence. Sexual furries are attracted by fictional creatures that are intelligent and almost human; they just want something more exotic.

What’s the difference between zoophiles and furries?